Gateshead Pubs B (2)

Black Boy


1844 Jonathan Rayne
1858 W. Parker

Black Bull


Rob's Visit: 4/12/03
Rob's Score: 3

As of 2016

1879 J. Liddell
1884 George Heatley
1907 R. Deuchar Ltd
1934 Thomas George Colton
1981 Trev & Sylvia

Black Bull

Wardley Gateshead 

Rob's Visit: 8/1/04
Rob's Score: 7

1855 Barbara Forsyth
1877  Mary Ann Smart
1894-1905 Thomas Lennox
1906-18 Nicholas Lennox
1931 Robert Smith
1934 Robert Burn
1939 Michael Clough

Demolished. Now a Care Home                                                      

Black Bull

An indication of the original curved front to the building (see pic below) can be seen on this photo

Blaydon Gateshead

Rob's Visit: 15/11/04
Rob's Score: 6                

As of 2016... Real Ale pub

The Black Bull was mentioned in Parson and White's directory for 1828, one of eight public houses in Blaydon at the time. During the hoppings in the 1800s a greasy pole was raised opposite the Black Bull. A prize, such as a leg of mutton, was attached to the top which people attempted to reach. One of the Cowen drinking fountains was placed outside the Black Bull in 1860. This was one of two drinking fountains for the people of Blaydon provided by Cowen. The other was located in Shibdon Dene.
(Blaydon and Winlaton through time, Nick Neave and Suan Lynn, 2012) (History of Blaydon, J. Maughan)

1844 Joseph Lamb
1874 Miss J. Hymers
1884 Henry N. Cooper
1902-05 Walter Palethorpe
1906 Frank Jones
1914 Richard Hurst
1915 H. H. Hurst
1929-39 William Lowery

Black Bull Inn (aka Black Bull Commercial Inn)

8 High Street, Gateshead

1838 Joseph Henderson (R. Ridley & Co)
1844 Henry Davidson
1846-53 George Brinton
1859 Mrs E. Heap
1879-84 Martin Cranston
1858-59 Mrs Elizabeth Heap

Black Bull

Heworth Shore

1858 J. Cockburn

Black House

Windy Nook Gateshead 

Rob's Visit: 2/7/03
Rob's Score: 5

Another one bites the dust. Now a Tesco Metro

1855 Henry Reed
1877 William J. Reed
1894 Matthew Burnett
1903-14 Robert Smith
1931-34 Robert Atkinson
1939 George Leightell

All that's left, as a reminder of it's very long history as The Coal Waggon, the Waggon, the Crown and Thistle then more than a century and a half as the Black House Inn

Black Swan

48 Park Lane

1879 C. Hetherington
1884 John Angus
1907-16 H. Fail & Co.
1934 Mary Alice Robson

Blaydon Hotel

Blaydon Hotel now gone

1902 John McGuinness
1903 John McGilligan
1914 Thomas Moffatt
1915 Farquar Laing
1931 M. Farquar Laing & Co Ltd
1934 Thomas Clark
1939 Robert Deuchar Ltd 

Blaydon New Inn

1844 J. Taylor
1907 James Bell
1915-31 Swinburne & Co
1939 Newcastle Breweries (Robert Bilclough)

Blink Bonny

1873 M. Caden
1894 John Shell
? Thomas Boiston
?       James Cawley
1938 Harry Bell Jardine

Blue Anchor

Bottle Bank

1782 A. Bulliman

Blue Bell

High St. Gateshead 

Rob's Visit: 17/11/03

Rob's Score: 7

Updated photo 2016
When this building was completed it was called Brewers Arms
1874-79 Mrs Hannah Jolly
As The Blue Bell
1884 Robert Gowens
1907-16 H. Fail & Co.
1934 Edward Hedley Smith

Blue Bell

Felling Gateshead 

Rob's Visit: 31/7/03
Rob's Score: 1

1844 William Robinson
1855-94 Robert Anderson (also a Butcher)
1894-1900 George Bulmer Anderson
1900 John Earl
1901-18 Swinburne & Co
1903-05 Rebuilt by Newcastle Breweries
1906-29 John Edmundson
1934-38 John William Carr
1939 Newcastle Breweries

Blue Bell

Bottle Bank, Gateshead

1782 Mrs Duncan
1790 George Chambers
1811 Mather
1850 W. Cook

Blue Bell

Pipewellgate, Gateshead

1782 J. Bates
1790 J. Langley
1833 John Thompson
1838 R. Hodgson
1844-48 James Vazey
1850  W. Robson
1853-55 R. Johnson
1858 & 59 A. Bridge
1865 John Liddell

Blue Bell

Bridge Street, Gateshead
1838 Thomas Reveley
1844-56 William Cook
1858 & 59 A.Sanderland
1865 Thomas Jackson
1879 H. N. Cooper
1884 Thomas Winship
1907 W. Williams

Blue Bell


1782 David Black


South Shore, Gateshead

1811 Mr Forster

Board Inn

Blaydon Gateshead

Rob's Visit: 6/10/04
Rob's Score: 4

1844 John Emerson
1858 Mrs J. Hymers
1868 Miss Anderson
1868 William Burnett
1902 Miss Elizabeth Bolam
1903-05 Robert Clark
1914-15 George Phillipson
1918 William Bell
1929-31 William Dowell
1934 Thomas Clark
1939 James Donnelly

No longer a's an Indian restaurant. I can see a trend here

Board Inn 

Birtley Gateshead 

Rob's Visit: 29/2/04
Rob's Score: 5

1858 J. Addison
1914 Thomas Leighton
1934 Robert Greenwell
1976 Tommy Dawson

Strictly speaking no longer a pub but it's a great Italian restaurant and the original bar has been retained


Bottle Bank

Thomas Hogg
1865 John Mills

Board House

27 High Street
1907 Davison & Wood


Half Moon Lane

1865 John Potts


Bridge Street

1865 William Robson


Windy Nook

1827 Ralph Anderson


Bill Quay

1827 John Thompson/Elizabeth Wallace
1855 Samuel Aldridge
1877 Jane Wynn
1894 James Melville


High Felling

1827 Edward Alder



1844 Charles Dixon

Boat & Anchor

Felling Shore

1838 E. Hudson

Borough Arms

Windmill Hills

Rob's Visit: 20/11/03

Rob's Score: 7

Real Ale  Closed for a while but then re-opened

As of 2016
1838 J. Gallon
1844 Michael Hobson
1848-70 Margaret Douglas
1879 G. Hindmarsh
1906 D. Baly
1907-25 Swinburne & Co.
1931-35 Newcastle Breweries
1934 J. Millar

Not a pub now. It is a training facility for the Jewish community

Bottle House Arms

Blaydon Haughs

Bottle House

Bill Quay

1827 William Innes
1855 W. Grieve
1855 William Waugh
1858 T. Pigg
1877-79 James Simm
1882 Miss Mary Simm


Swalwell Gateshead 

Rob's Visit: 12/9/04
Rob's Score: 6
Now an Italian restaurant

Bowes Incline Hotel


Rob's Visit: 11/3/07
Rob's Score: 8

As of 2016

Brandling Arms

Oakwellgate, Gateshead

1838-44 Susanna Stobart
1848 Thomas Welch
1850-56 William Monkhouse
1859-65 Mrs A. Monkhouse

Brandling Arms

36 Gosforth Street, Felling

1894 Esther Sanderson
1906 Frank McGlasson
1914 Thomas Watson
1915-18 Wears & Watson
1929 Joseph Robert Robson
1934 Hy. Dawes
1938 John McKenna

Brandling Arms

Nest Road, Felling Shore

1880-82 William Willshire
1894-1906 John Sanderson
1914 David A. Porter
1915-18 Mrs Emily A. McConnell
1929 Mrs Eveline Porter
1931 Mrs Mary McConnell
Mrs Rose Blakey

Brandling Inn

Had many previous names Balmoral, Last Orders, Cup & Coins

Brandling Junction Railway Inn


1844 Anthony Longstaff

Brandling Junction 



1879 Mrs M. Esther
1884 Dinsley Clark
1906-08 Thomas Winship

Brandling Junction Hotel


1850 R. Wheatley
1853-55 Barbara Calloway
1865 Mary Mackin

Brandy Vaults

25 Church Street

1844 John Crow
1848 Catherine Gray
1850 A. Arnot
1853-56 M. Rutter
1859 J. Otway
1865 Sarah Hewitt
1879 Mrs S. Brown
1884 William Holden

Brass Man

23 Church Street

1906 William Malone

Brewery Inn


1853-56 J. Hopper

Brewers' Arms

High Street

1874 H. Jolley

See Blue Bell..its name for most of its was Brewers' only briefly at the beginning

Bridle Path

Whickham Gateshead

Rob's Visit: 8/11/04
Rob's Score: 6

British Lion

High Street, Gateshead
This became the Moon & Sixpence in 1986
The building, now empty and neglected, requires demolition

1859-65 James Smith
1879 J. Hardie
1884 John Wilson
1907 A. Arrol & Sons Ltd
1915 Urwin Bros
1934 William Hamblin

British Queen

High Street, Gateshead

1865 R. Bainbridge
1874 W. Hunter
1879 J. Wallis
1884 Henry Duckworth
1907 Mrs A. Walton
1915 Mrs M. Higgins
1934 Percy Anderson

British Lion

Felling Gateshead 

Rob's Visit: 7/3/04
Rob's Score: 5

1873 J. Simpson
1915-31 Hugh P. Heenan
1938-39 Herbert Hardwick

Added to and change of use to a shop

British Queen

Split Crow Road, Felling. Was once managed by Billy Hughes, former cup winning Sunderland player
Now demolished
(Demolished before Rob had a pint in 1982 from

1989 Photo

Brown Jug

Carr Hill

1827-1833 Thomas Bacon
1844 R. Rowell
1846-48 Catherine Bacon
1854-58 Peter Richardson
1865 William Potts
1876 R. Oliver
1884 Robert Stephenson
1906 John Bennett
see also Old Brown Jug and Ye Old Brown Jug

Brunswick Hotel

High Street

1833 Dorothy Dixon
1838 Elizabeth Wardle
1844 William Sunter
1848 George Davison
1853 Mary Richardson
1859 W. Johnson
1865 H. Fryer
1874 Hird & Co
1879-84 James Hird
1907 A. J. Hird
1915 C. Hird
1934 John Solly

Buck Inn

Beaconsfield Road (formerly Low Fell Road, then Buck Lane)

now Beaconsfield Hotel

1827-1834 William Almond
1847 Thompson
1855 Margaret French
1856 Thomas Coote
1858 Robert Newton
1870-77 T. Bell
1884 Jane Arkle



1855 Margaret French


Leam Lane Gateshead 

Rob's Visit: 12/3/04
Rob's Score: 4

Closed as pub. Now a shop, Heron Foods



1848-50 Ann Thynn
1853 J. Robson
1855 Ann Alderson
1858-65 Thomas Affleck
1879 J. Leck
1884 Patrick Loughran
1907 R. Dowson
1915 T. J. Harris

Bush Inn

44 High Street

1844 John Harding

Bute Arms 


High Spen  Gateshead    

Rob's Visit: 12/5/05
Rob's Score: 6
1914 John Gibson

As of 2016

1901               The only pub in the village and named after the local land and mine owner

Butcher's Arms

High Street, Gateshead